Jan 1

~To know a Gen’Dai ~

Category: News,Star Wars

This would be one species that is probably the most intresting by far. The Gen’Dai were a seemingly immortal species with distributed nervous and vascular systems.  They Lacked  the vulnerable vital organs that most races needed to survive.  These included the brain, lungs and naturally the heart.  The species was even known  to take  major hits that would kill most anything else  and survive. Among one thing they could survive was total dismemberment. So unles someone could vaporise them  they would live. Though many of the species if taken that hard of a hit it eould be a while before they could get up and fight. They would go into hibernation until the major injuries would heal or be regenerated.

Now no one knows were the homeworld is or was. It had been lost a long time ago. It’s also not stated wether they live on one planet another. That information seems to have been lost. Most of this species are non-aggressive save one name that comes up in the history chronicles.  The average years of life that a Gen’Dai can live is up to four-thousand years. Some can even live and have been known to live up to seven-thousand years making them look  as if they are immortal. Because of this as they age, their minds would weaken and would be left open for mental diseases. Another intresting fact is due to the nature of their nervous systems, they had very good senses, and are able to feel a Human‘s heartbeat from ranges of up to 200 meters.

The most well known Gen’Dai was the bounty hunter and CIS commander, Durge. One of his more intresting  quotes gives a little more on how he looked at the universe.


I was once buried alive—for 60 years! If that didn’t kill me… if the Sith and the Mandalorians and the Bloodboilers of Kragis couldn’t kill me—then you won’t kill me!“―Durge



Durge was a bounty hunter in the galaxy for a good number of years. Two thousand years to be more precise. Durge was able to survive several near-death situations  due to his species regeneration and his armor that was highly enhanced. But that’s getting ahead  so we need to start from his early life and work on how he became involved in several major wars and made a name for himself.


In his early life Durge was in great Physical shape but he also had a natural aggression uncharacteristic of the Gen’Dai species. When he had watched some bounty hunters in action this had  filled him with love or a lust for the hunt. He would then one day leave his tribe and had ventured out to be trained under various bounty hunters. It wasn’t until he met the Madalorian training master Jaing, who taught him everything  he needed to know in the feild of the madalorian combat and tactics skills.


At some point, Durge was  approached by a doctor  who offered to complement their bodies and armor suits with advanced cybernetics. Durge traveled to his  lab on an unknown planet, where he was  introduced to a woman who  who had been disabled to the point where she needed cybernetic enhancements to function. The female had talked Durge into taking in the same technology that kept her alive. Jaing was also there with Durge and both decided to take the risk and let them have it done. Thinking that it would make them more powerfull in battle the risk as a whole was worth it to them.After recovering, Durge and Jaing tested out their new abilities in a sparring match.As they were battling, a group of Mandalorians loyal to Ung Kusp attacked. The doctor that had initially brought them to the lab ordered them to fight the Mandalorians to pay back the debt they owed.In the middle of the battle Jaing was taken out and thought dead by a thermal detonator.Durge, thinking that his friend was dead had left to chase after the remaining Mandalorians, more specific Mandalore himself. After he had left the doctor had gone to Jang who was now dying and revealed to him that the whole point of them being there was to spark a war with the Sith and all the Mandalorian clans.


Further exploits

Durge fought for the Sith in the New Sith War. He faced  several Jedi in combat and learned  their techniques. Durge then became experienced at killing them. In order to avoid the Jedi reprisals, he  went into hiding after the Sith’s defeat at the Seventh Battle of Ruusan.

 He however, did continue  to hunt under a series of aliases and false names, earning the ire of the Bloodboilers of Kragis. Yet his most fateful mission came in 100 BB. Durge was hired to kill the then-Mandalore. Durge compleated the mission , but was captured by the Mandalorians and tortured. In the amount of time they had him the torture  slowly drove him past the edge and into insanity. Durge eventually was able to escape his captors but it took alot of time to regenerate. Nearly a century, and sixty of the years he spent buried underground.

Once he resurfaced, Durge ended up hired by count Dooku to go hunt down Boba Fett. iIs search ended up with him on Tattooine a couple months down the road. By that time Durge ended up taking another bounty by Jabba Desilijic Tiure. He eventually met up with Fett and tried to kill him. Not suceeding as the young man escaped he went back to Jabba and found out that the Hutt had assigned Fett to the same bounty he was on! After knocking Fetts helmet off Jabba halted the fight. Jabba, wanting to give Fett a short lead on the bounty gave Durge another task to hunt down combat archanids, while the young hunter left. In the end they both met up as Durge had quickly took care of the first task.The chase led them both into the heart of Libkath’s operations. After a long  fight, Fett fired at an air tank, blowing up both Durge and Libkath. Needless to say Fett became his number one on his list afterwards.

I will sharpen my teeth upon this boy’s bones!” ―Durge, referring to Boba Fett 

Not long after that blast he was back to work. This time he was paired up with Asajj Ventress on one of Naboo’s moons. They tested a new chemical that became very effective on killing Gungans and thus then started to plan for a full scale effort against the Gungans on Naboo. Soon after a strike team with Jedi Obi-wan, Anakin, Glaive and  Zule Xiss arrived to invistigate. Durge, who was very eager to battle Jedi again revealed himself to the Jedi and even clubbed Obi-wan down with his magna bolas. Durge continued to attack the three other Jedi despite having been stabbed in the gut with a Lightsaber. Seconds later he was shot in the eye by one of the clones and was forced to call Ventress in for backup. As she fought Obi-wan he was preparing to to shoot the Jedi in the head when he was attacked by one of the other Jedi and sustained yet again another Lightsaber wound. Ventress then ordered him to flee and make sure that the swamp gas plan went as planned. Yet when he got back he saw the shuttles meant to bear the toxin destroyed. Angered that the plan was foiled by the clone Mandalorian Alpha-17 he threw him into the fire. Anakin Skywalker then  hit him from the side with his own magna bolas. Shocked and injured, Durge fled the battle, vowing to kill Skywalker later down the road.


You know, it’s been over a century since I killed a Jedi… and today, I’ll get to kill four of you. Add that to the Gungans I already murdered, the hostages I’m going to kill later, and all the Naboo who will die tomorrow, and it’s a damn good week.” ―Durge 



After that defeat both Ventress and Durge knew the Jedi would want to find the source of the swamp gas. So they set up a trap on volcanic planet Queyta. To lure in the Jedi they used the antidote for the gas to lure them into an abandoned factory on a lava river, filled with Skakoans. The Skakoans were strapped with explosives and they thought that whatever the Jedi threw at them they could kill between them and the creatures in the lava. The Jedi did show up and as soon as they were known  Durge shot one of the Skakoans, causing a mass explosion and severely damaging the factory, sending it sinking into the lava. One of the Jedi used the force to absorb most of the explosion and took her own life to do it. In the end only one Jedi remained, Obi-Wan who had the antidote…


Near the end of the Clone Wars Durge was able to Lure Obi-Wan and Anakin into a trap in the Karthakk system.Kenobi was  searching for  Ventress, whom Anakin had defeated earlier in the war. Near the planet Maramere, Durge took a large number of battle droids and  killed the entire crew of a ship. Kenobi was then lead  into believing he would encounter Ventress on the ship.

 Both the Jedi  Boarding the ship,where  they started to head towards the bridge, where they were almost blown up by a thermal detonator. Obi-wan took a hard hit fromt he explosion and then  Durge immediately appeared,attacking the wounded Jedi. He was stopped by Anakin , who used the Force to impale Durge on hundreds of jagged metal pieces. He  shrugged this off as if it wasn’t a big deal , but was electrocuted from behind by Kenobi. Durge then started  to trigger some of the many explosive devices with which he had placed all over the ship.As Obi-wan ran off to look for clues to Ventress’s whereabouts Anakin started to fight Durge one on one.

Durge naturally was stronger then Anakin and overtook him. Yet he was severly hurt  when the Jedi  used the Force and sent  a large amount of the explosives at the Gen’Dai. One of the explosions took of his helmet and that sent him over the edge and into a dark fury. Anakin used just that and ended up forcing Durge into an escape pod. Again, using the force he was able to jetoson the pod and guide it into the Maramere’s star and thus defeated  Durge. 



Now it wasn’t clear but some say that durge hadn’t really died. 1.5 ABY a group of scientists were were assigned to “Project Durge,” an attempt to repair a grievously injured being. The scientistswern’t told any information as to the origins of the life form. One of the scientists  was astounded at the way the being was recovering once they had started to put the thing back together. Sccess fufilled as they  revived “Project Durge,” yet they couldn’t restore it to what it looked like before. They then equiped the being with a suit of heavy battle armor. “Project Durge” eventually escaped  and started collecting bounties once more. After beating one of Boba Fett’s associates to a bounty, the bounty hunter  ordered his associate to track down “Project Durge” and destroy it. Doing as he was orderd he defeated “Durge” on Naboo. Boba though had a feeling that he hadn’t seen the last of Durge.



So have we trule seen the last of this Gen’Dai? Agreeing with Fett I am sure somewhere out there the bounty hunter lays in wait. Probably regenerating and waiting for the perfect time to come back to his blood lust for killing. All I can say is that these are intresting creatures  and god willing no one in the VE ever has to face them. Taking in all read here it would take a lot of fire power to even kill on of these guys. Making an enemy from one such as Durge wouldn’t be a good idea…..

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