Jan 1

A Little Fact/History of the Blaster

Category: News,Star Wars

Now we all know what a blaster is. A  really cool weapon that fires out  blaster bolts from a  power cell.  It is the most common weapon used in the Galaxy. The oldest known type of blaster was used by some kind of old droid. The model is not known but it was  employed by the Rakatan Inifinite Empire. That weapon was actualy considered the best and up-to-date when it was made.

Other then that the oldest blaster by far was the tripple Blaster. It worked by using three separate blasters connected to the system,and fired at a target. However by the rise of the Empire these weapons had become extreamly rare. Prior to this weapon beam tubes were used.They consisted of backpacks with a hose coming out of the side. All of the equipment that was used to create the blaster beam in the backpack and was fired out of the hose. By the time the Empire had rosen to power the blaster in itself was the most commonly used weapon. Not only did the military use  the blaster but also by civilians as well for protection. Places such on Tattooine over in the Cantina were these items were supposadly not allowed. Actually,  it was commonly  shoutd out “No blasters” when a fight broke out. Not that anyone ever listened to begin with

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