Archive for July 16th, 2007

Stocks for Dummies

July 16th, 2007 | Category: New Recruit Tips,News,Stock Tips,VE Today

Simply put, I usually stay away from those that requires a certain hold time period, in case there was any sudden drops in prices, it won’t hurt me a lot. But occasionally, it would be smart to buy certain division stocks such as navy or army when you know that there’s going to be a period of high activity coming up, i.e.: ESC. Those are almost guarantees that the prices will go up. But when those times come around, those stocks go fast, so you gotta buy fast, else they’re gone before you know it. Another thing i watch out for is the actual prices when I buy them. I try not to buy anything that’s over 100 ICs, unless there’s a good reason for me to. Much less ones over 200. There are very little growth on those stocks that are that high. The idea is to buy them when they’re low and then sell when they’re high. The Quotes section provides very good information to how the stock has been doing in the past. If a certain stock has always been high, and it suddenly starts dropping, then that would be a good time to start watching it, and once it flats out, that would be the time to buy it. I would usually give a stock a week or so to make sure that it actually does flat out instead of keep dropping after a couple of days. The same goes for when to sell the stocks. Given that it’s a 0 hold time stock, it’s a good time to sell it when it flats out for more than at least a week.


But that only goes if the price is based upon activity. As you all know, another way the prices change is based upon the number of shares in circulation. The more people buy, the higher it goes, and the more people sell, the lower it drops. And that greatly changes when people with a large number of shares buy and sell stocks. For example, Kadann, Talon, Fury, or Japheth, these four hold the most shares in some stocks. When they buy or sell, you can usually tell. They are the ones that are buying or selling millions of shares at once. And once they do, then it would usually be a good time to follow. When they sell, it would probably be a good time for you to sell as well, given that you hold the same stock and are sellable. Same goes for when they buy, it’s a good time for you to buy. Because the prices on the stocks are bound to change when that many number of shares are sold/bought. But how do you tell when they’ve bought a stock or sold? You look to the Quotes section. When you see that the number of shares for sale is more than the number of shares in question, then those were sold, if there’s less, then they were bought. And even if you don’t catch up to that, the prices will probably change within a day, or at least by the end of the day. But even if they do sell a large number, it’s usually a good idea to hold it for at least half a day or so. From my experience, stock prices tend to go up a bit, even if shares were sold, solely from the influx of activity of the stock.

And if all else fails, do PPC. It is what provided as the financial base for me. By the time the new Imperitrade was opened, I only had less than 3 million ICs. I was able to use that to climb to 5, 8, 10, 15, 20 million, and later onto 30, 40, and now, over 60 millions total.

What contributed greatly to that was back when the stocks first started, they started low, usually around the 20’s and 30’s in price, and have climbed to over 100 in some. Unfortunately that doesn’t happen all the time anymore. So you’ll just have to go with the lowest ones possible sometimes, which is around 50 or 60 ICs.

In conclusion:

  1. Stick with 0 hold time stocks.*
  2. Buy low, no higher than 100ICs in stock price.*
  3. Sell/buy when the stocks have flattened out. See quotes for info.
  4. Look out for big sale changes.
  5. Last but not least, be smart, think for yourself. I’m not the greatest stock broker, so my experience may not be the most money productive.

*Unless given a good reason to act against those two basic principles.

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